
PIM/IMT study tour materials _EN

PIM-IMT_materials_EN/infonote-studytour finalst.pdf
PIM-IMT_materials_EN/main articles of a generic wua.pdf
PIM-IMT_materials_EN/module 1 handout en.pdf
PIM-IMT_materials_EN/module 1- introduction and preparatory phase.pdf
PIM-IMT_materials_EN/module 2 - phases 2 and 3.pdf
PIM-IMT_materials_EN/module 2 . handout en.pdf
PIM-IMT_materials_EN/module 3 handout_en.pdf
PIM-IMT_materials_EN/module 3- implementation phase 4 establishment of wuas 1.pdf
PIM-IMT_materials_EN/module 4 group exercise 1 en.pdf
PIM-IMT_materials_EN/module 5 -financial management of wuas.pdf
PIM-IMT_materials_EN/module 5 handout_en.pdf
PIM-IMT_materials_EN/module 6 handout en.pdf
PIM-IMT_materials_EN/module 6- monitoring and evaluation and capacity building.pdf
PIM-IMT_materials_EN/participatory irrigation water management in egyptfinal.pdf
PIM-IMT_materials_EN/pim activities in turkey.pdf
PIM-IMT_materials_EN/report_high level study tour to strengthen political commitment to pim and imt process.pdf
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