Demonstration activities implemented by December 2014


Beneficiary country

  • Organisation of an impact and evaluation mission of the pilot projects to analyse the socio-economic and environmental impacts of Sustain Water Med pilot activities as well as the achievement of overall project goals and indicators
  • Consulting mission including the preparation of an executive design and tender documents related to the construction of the pilot project
  • Meetings with village representatives to inform them of the project scope and identify village needs with regards to rural sanitation
  • Baseline Assessment Study for the pilot project (available in English on the project’s website). The study identifies the following pilot activity: The construction of a decentralized wastewater collection and treatment and reuse system in Al-Gezayra village, in the Ismailia Governorate
  • Establishment of the Steering Committee of the pilot project as a sub-group of the existing National Scientific Committee and regular meetings to discuss the technical details of the project’s implementation steps
  • Elaboration of tender documents and the Environmental Impact Analysis of the pilot project


  • Organisation of an impact and evaluation mission of the pilot projects to analyse the socio-economic and environmental impacts of Sustain Water Med pilot activities as well as the achievement of overall project goals and indicators
  • Organisation of a final stakeholders workshop to disseminate the outputs of the pilot project implementation and assess stakeholders’ perception regarding the pilot’s long-term impact on national efforts to upscale Decentralized Wastewater Management country-wide. 
  • Finalisation and inauguration of the Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) in Moqablane, at the premises of the Public Security Directorate (PSD) is progressing well. A visibility concept for the information center on-site has been prepared and presented to the technical committee.
  • Tendering and selection of company for the study covering all aspects related to the reuse of treated wastewater at the Jordanian pilot site. A reuse plan and irrigation scheme with special regards to the plant/crop requirements as well as specific climatic conditions and the soil composition will be developed. Further deliverables include the development of safety protection measures and impact monitoring, a user manual for the PSD-staff, customized teaching and training material and 1-2 day training courses for the staff.
  • Baseline Assessment and Environmental Impact Assessment for the pilot project (available on the project’s website) and their presentation to all stakeholders. Based on the above, the Sequencing Batch Reactor technology was selected to be applied to treat 150 m3 of wastewater produced at the pilot site: the Headquarters of the Public Security Directorate was selected to host the decentralized wastewater treatment plant and reuse facility. The resulting treated wastewater will be reused to irrigate the compound’s green area.
  • Establishment of the Steering Committee and Technical Committee and regular meetings to discuss and approve implementation steps (i.e. scope and final version of the Environmental Impact Assessment, design and construction work of the decentralized wastewater treatment plant, scope of the reuse mission etc.).
  • Two consultation workshop with policy-makers and civil society organisations from the agricultural, health, environmental and water sector to determine impact indicators for the decentralized wastewater treatment plant at the Headquarters of the Public Security Directorate.
  • Begin of the construction work of the decentralized wastewater treatment plant following a tender procedure as well as an official site take-over (foreseen end of works: June 2014).
  • Reuse mission (design of the irrigation system, elaboration of a user’s guide, training on safe irrigation practices, etc.) to start in April and end in November 2014.


  • Organisation of an impact and evaluation mission of the pilot projects to analyse the socio-economic and environmental impacts of Sustain Water Med pilot activities as well as the achievement of overall project goals and indicators
  • Development of two reports outlining a comprehensive sanitation and flood management strategy for the rural community of Ait Idir. The strategy includes the installation of eco-sanitation (ECOSAN) technologies that aim at the reuse of sanitary byproducts in agricultural activities.
  • TORs and relevant documents related to the construction works of the Moroccan pilot site are almost finalised
  • Training sessions for local women from Ait Adir village (pilot site)
  • Visit of the local steering committee to the Ecosan pilot project implemented by GIZ AGIRE in DaytIfrah to inform the SWIM-project partners about the Ecosan technology and its relevance for local communities without access to a sewage network.
  • Several workshops with local partners to agree on the pilot site, project structure and budget and identify key-stakeholders at the pilot site: Ait Idir village in the Souss-Massa-Draa Region in southern Morocco.
  • Establishment of the National Steering Committee and Technical Committee for the project and regular meetings to discuss and approve implementation steps.
  • Elaboration of a Baseline Assessment Study and conduction of a Planning Mission at the pilot area. Based on these, the pilot activity in Ait Idir was divided into seven zones, covering 20% of the village. For each zone, a context-adapted solution has been identified (i.e. Urine Diversion and Dehydration Toilets, constructed wetlands, etc.).
  • Organisation of several exchange visits/trainings for representative groups from the village (Women’s Association, etc.) to the pilot site in Deyat Ifrah (near Meknes), in collaboration with GIZ-run project ‘AGIRE’, where ECOSAN technologies have already been successfully implemented.


  • Organisation of an impact and evaluation mission of the pilot projects to analyse the socio-economic and environmental impacts of Sustain Water Med pilot activities as well as the achievement of overall project goals and indicators
  • Tendering of the construction work package related to the pilot activities
  • Organisation of four training courses on the following topics:

-- Management of wastewater treatment plants

-- Regulatory and normative framework of wastewater quality monitoring

-- Wastewater sampling

-- Operation and maintenance of irrigation systems fed with treated wastewater

  • Finalisation of the tender documents for the construction of a small-scale pilot site based on slow sand filtration.
  • Tendering and contract for delivering the needed laboratory equipment
  • Development of a training plan and organization of two local training courses on water quality management for counterpart staff in Medenine.
  • Identification of various training measures in the field of water quality management and safety precautions for the reuse of treated wastewater for counterpart staff in the pilot area of Medenine Governorate
  • Establishment of the National Steering Committee and regular meetings to approve implementation steps.
  • Baseline Assessment study (two parts) (available in French on the project’s website).and its presentation to all stakeholders. Based on the results of this study, the pilot project will be implemented in Oueljet El Khodher, Governorate of Medenine, in the Southeast of Tunisia. The region’s wastewater treatment plant currently provides 4000 m3/day of secondary treated water, which is used to irrigate about 30 ha of agricultural land located nearby. Farmers in the project zone have repeatedly raised the issues of water quality as an obstacle to its wider usage.
  • Tendering of the following pilot activities, identified in the above study: the construction of a tertiary treatment system using a sand filter, the procurement of water quality monitoring devices for laboratories but also for the field and the establishment of an IT platform for a more coordinated wastewater quality control and early-warning system.
  • Several local trainings for relevant authorities and water user associations regarding safe irrigation practices, legal frameworks and standards as well as technical aspects of wastewater quality monitoring and control (1st quarter of 2014).


  • First E-Learning Training course on Sector Governance in Urban Sanitation
  • SWIM Sustain Water MED 5th Regional Meeting
  • Regional Conference on " Sustainable  Integrated Wastewater Treatment and Reuse" to exchange and disseminate knowledge on engineering best practices, successful case studies, and innovative solutions in the field of non-conventional water resources management.
  • Organisation of an exchange workshop for Egyptian and Jordanian stakeholders to generate discussion and promote the sharing of experiences on the application of decentralized wastewater management  in both countries.
  • 4th Regional Meeting of Consortium Partners
  • Regional training course on water quality management and Environment Protection
  • Development of a monitoring and impact assessment plan to evaluate the socio-economic and environmental impacts of the pilot activities. Distribution of the plan to the partners for comments.
  • Regional Training Course on Decentralized Wastewater Treatment and Reuse  with the participation of 25 policy-makers and practitioners from Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt and Jordan (Amman, Jordan - November 2013. All training presentations are available in English on the project’s website.
  • Regional Training Course on ECOSAN and Rainwater Management with the participation of 25 policy-makers and practitioners from Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt and Jordan (Rabat, Morocco - June 2013). All training presentations are available in French on the project’s website.
  • Development of guidelines for the comprehensive elaboration of Baseline Assessment Studies for projects on non-conventional water resources management by Adelphi and ENEA (available in English on the project’s website).
  • Regional Exchange Workshop on the Safe Reuse of Treated Wastewater in Agriculture with the participation of policy-makers and farmers from Jordan and Tunisia (Tunis, Tunisia - May 2013).



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