· A technical mission was organized on 14-27 July 2014 in Algiers, Algeria. The mission served to finalize the procedures for launching the tender of works related to the design of the artificial aquifer recharge interventions (recharge basins, vadose-zone wells, also called dry wells, and recharge tranches) for the infero-flux aquifer in the Oued Biskra. Administrative aspects were also discussed as to finalize purchases procedures.

· A technical mission was organized on 7-9 September 2014 in Médénine, Tunisia. During the meetings, the tender procedures for works related to the design of the artificial aquifer recharge intervention (recharge basins, vadose-zone wells, also called dry wells and recharge wells with recharge chambers) for the Trias aquifer in the Oum Zessar watershed were finalised. Dissemination workshops, finance and administration aspects, progress of field activities and the Public Participatory GIS activity (PPGIS) to be carried out in November/December with the participation of Biskra and Médénine farmers were also discussed in this occasion.

On 10 September a technical mission was organized in Tunis (Tunisia) in order to finalize tender procedures and organize the PPGIS Activity.

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