SWIM-SM has convened a training workshop entitled “Training of Government Officials on the Preparation of Water Plans/Strategies” in Athens, Greece on the 10 and 11 of September 2012. This activity was carried out in synergy with the EC funded “H2020 Capacity Building –Mediterranean Environment Programme (H2020 CB/MEP)”.

The overarching objective of the workshop was to expand the capacity of water and environment stakeholders in the SWIM Partner Countries (PCs) in developing Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) plans and strategies.

The specific objectives of the training was to introduce mainstreaming and participation as basic measures in planning and implementing IWRM through informing and training government water officials and stakeholders from PCs on the following:

1- Best practices and success stories from countries of the region with emphasis on reasons behind success and achievement of target objectives,

2- Main constraints and challenges hindering proper planning and failure in implementing sustainable water resources management within IWRM context,

3- Common gaps encountered in PCs and the appropriate measures to bridge them,

4- Available opportunities and means to improve these prospects for the advancement of water resources planning and management,

This activity was part of the tasks foreseen under SWIM-SM towards developing mechanisms and building capacity of PCs on sustainable water resources management policies and practices.

For additional information: Information Note

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