SWIM-Support Mechanism is developing guidelines aiming to provide water policy makers, stakeholders and planners with an effective tool to integrate no-regret actions for adaptation of the water sector into current IWRM plans, policies and programs, such that no-regret actions have a high likelihood of being implemented, lay the groundwork for future adaptation efforts and ensure consistency and support to the overarching development objectives of PCs. The guidelines shall be ready by June 2012. 
Based on a survey aimed to review the current approach used in the preparation of climate change adaptation plans of the water sectors, the prevailing socio-economic and cultural specificities and the mechanisms and degree of horizontal coordination among relevant sectors the guidelines will identify measures for the creation of an enabling environment to mainstream climate change adaptation plans into IWRM plans and policies addressing in particular the following issues: 
Capacity development needs of government agencies and stakeholders for mainstreaming climate change adaptation plans into IWRM;
Institutional structures conducive to mainstreaming climate change adaptation into IWRM. 
Planning and policy structures;
Adaptation and utilization of Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment (SEIA) as a tool assisting decision makers to determine whether a climate change adaptation measure in the water sector can contribute to the proper implementation of IWRM concepts. 
For more information: Hosny Khordagui

The website management is the responsibility of SWIM Support Mechanism

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