
Public Private Partnership (PPP) in Water Infrastructure (19-21 December 2011, Amman - Jordan)

PPP_water_infrastructure/course overview.pdf
PPP_water_infrastructure/course overview_fr.pdf
PPP_water_infrastructure/list of participants.pdf
PPP_water_infrastructure/financial modeling and inputs m. najjar.pdf
PPP_water_infrastructure/financial obligations guarantees and assurance schemes m.najjar.pdf
PPP_water_infrastructure/introduction to ppp concept and contractual arrangements dr. sarra touzi.pdf
PPP_water_infrastructure/jordans first bot experience in constructing the biggest wastewater treatment plant m.najjar.pdf
PPP_water_infrastructure/policy dialogue to assess the enabling environment for psp in water services case studies results from egypt lebanon dr. sarra touzi.pdf
PPP_water_infrastructure/ppp projects preparation dr. sarra touzi.pdf
PPP_water_infrastructure/public private partnership - ppp koussai quteishat.pdf
PPP_water_infrastructure/required reports records notices and approvals for bot projects m.najjar.pdf
PPP_water_infrastructure/risks and risk sharing-project cooperation m.najjar.pdf
PPP_water_infrastructure/role and obligations of different parties involved in ppp projects and contractual framework m.najjar.pdf
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