The Fourth Steering Committee Meeting of SWIM-SM will be held in Barcelona on 15-16 December 2014 with the aim of presenting and discussing the achievements of the project in 2014, the preliminary results of its external evaluation and the work plan proposed for 2015.
SWIM-SM project was scheduled to end in December 2014 but it was decided to extend it for 12 months. In parallel, a second phase of the SWIM program has been approved, again combining a Support Mechanism and Demonstration projects. The actual launch of SWIM II is expected in the second half of 2015.
Therefore, this steering committee will also be an opportunity to jointly identify priorities for SWIM II, as well as the methodology for its implementation.
The meeting will bring together the SWIM-SM Focal Points and Environmental Liaison Officers from the Partner Countries - representing, respectively, the Ministries in charge for Water Resources Management and those for the Environment - in addition to representatives of the European Commission, of donor agencies and regional stakeholders, particularly the Secretariat of the Union for the Mediterranean.
The meeting will include a session of the duration of half-day to promote the exchange with and among the SWIM Demonstration projects.