Nobariya, Egypt

In order to improve the quality of the treated Waste Water, the Project identified the need for an important upgrade of the existing plant and a tertiary treatment step, to be realised through a submerged flow Constructed Wetland (CW). The following activities have advanced or been implemented:

· The Pilot CW was built inside the area of the current Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) of Nobariya in a surface area of 29.3m x 36.7m. In order to compare the different treatment efficiencies, two identical basins have been built, each of those with one of two different types of plants, the Cyperus Papyrus and Canna sp. (yellow flowers). The positioning and sizes of the basins have been chosen in order to maximise the available surfaces for the treatment and, as a result, the water capacity delivered for the tertiary treatment. The construction works for the Constructed Wetland (CW) in Nobariya are proceeding and, at the end of september, 95% of the works can be considered completed.

· After a long tendering process the contract between the EEAA and the implementing company awarded has been signed, and the works of the upgrade of the WWTP in Nobariya  have been finally initiated.

· The contribution of the Nobariya Authority to the irrigation testing components of IMPROWARE, has been drafted during a number of meetings held in Cairo in July, and has now been signed by all the relevant project partners in order to harmonize the field-work .

· A manual on treated Waste Water for agricultural reuse was translated into English and distributed to local stakeholders.


Korba, Tunisia

The original Waste Water treatment station consisted in an activated sludge treatment and maturation ponds as tertiary treatment for Civil and Industrial Waste Water. During the Project implementation, the main problem of the station emerged to be related to the quality of the effluent due to a bottleneck in the recharging facilities which resulted in a less effective reclamation of the Waste Water. For this reason, the activities have been redefined and are currently devoted to the upgrade and optimization of the refining system of the WWTP effluent in order to have a real increase of water availability and a higher quality of the reclaimed Waste Water. For this purpose, during the past months, the following activities were implemented:

· The team of engineers of IMPROWARE have worked strongly on providing two numerical studies, in order to evaluate the effects of a sand filtration treatment upstream the tertiary treatment and the installation of baffles in the maturation ponds as possible solutions.

· A desinfection treatment was further elaborated and will be tested at lab scale in order to additionally improve the quality of the maturation ponds effluent.

· A monitoring plan was completed in order to verify the pollutants removal efficiency.

The interventions described have been possible thanks to the raised awareness and the trust awarded to IMPROWARE by the local population through the Project’s participatory approach. For this reason, setting-up a small tank between the Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) and the Recharge System has been forseen to monitor the activity of the plant (e.g. with automatic samplers for the measurment of physical and chemical parameters and an extra sampling point suitable for monitoring the microbiological quality).

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