· Following the initial stage of Stakeholder analysis, the Communication strategies in Egypt and in Tunisia have been adapted to the local contexts.
In Egypt, the large territorial scale of the Country, the complexity of the Egyptian Institutional system for the Water sector, as well as, the “short” relational networks of the Nobariya Local Community have been taken into account for Capacity Building, Public Participation and Dissemination actions and events.
In Tunisia, the issue of Water Scarcity and the need to increase its availability has emerged as a critical topic and was addressed since April 2014 through the Communication Campaign "Any Drop of Water".
During the past months, in both Countries a great number of workshops, meetings and events for school and University students, farmers, women, industrials, ecc. have been organised and great visibility has been given to the issues of Water Scarcity, Water Saving and Water Treatment on the local press to raise the awareness of the Broad Public.
· Two out of three modules of the IMPROWARE E-Learning programme have been delivered and are still accessible on the platform http://elearning.improware.eu:
o MODULE 1: Scientific and Technical Aspects of Water Resources Management;
o MODULE 2: Legislative Framework on Water Resources Management;
MODULE 3, on the Socio-Economic Impacts of Phytodepuration, has been in the meanwhile suspended and will resume once more subscriptions will be received.