· An exchange workshop for Egyptian and Jordanian stakeholders was organised on the 22nd of August and gathered policy makers from both countries at the Dead Sea in Jordan. The main objective was to generate discussion and promote the sharing of experiences on the application of decentralized wastewater management (DWWM) in both countries, where the process is still in its early steps. In doing so, the workshop enabled policy-makers and practitioners from both countries to gather ideas, identify and avoid possible setbacks and build cooperation bridges that will allow for the sustainable application of DWWM systems. The summary report is available on the project’s website following this link
· A final stakeholders workshop was organised in Jordan on the 8th of September to disseminate the outputs of the pilot project implementation and assess stakeholders’ perception regarding the pilot’s long-term impact on national efforts to upscale Decentralized Wastewater Management (DWWM) country-wide. To achieve this the workshop entailed a brainstorming session on possible next steps for the future of DWWM in Jordan. This activity’s results will be available on the project’s website in December 2014.