La gestion durable des ressources en eau non conventionnelles est l'un des thèmes prioritaires de SWIM-SM. De nombreux pays de la région font déjà recours aux ressources en eaux non conventionnelles principalement à la réutilisation des eaux usées traitées et non traitées y compris le recyclage des eaux de ruissellement agricoles, à la collecte des eaux pluviales, au dessalement, etc,. Ce recours aux eaux non conventionnelles pose à la fois des défis et des opportunités.

Un atelier a été organisé par le SWIM-SM le 16 Septembre 2011 à Athènes, en Grèce, immédiatement après la  Conférence Régionale " Faire avancer la Gestion des Ressources en Eaux Non Conventionnelles en Méditerranée". L’atelier avait pour objectif de:

- Présenter un briefing sur les priorités régionales de SWIM-SM par rapport à la thématique ressources en eau non-conventionnelles et contribuer, en tant que réunion de brainstorming, aux sections relatives à cette thématique dans le Rapport de Démarrage de SWIM-SM qui est en cours de préparation.

- Discuter des priorités régionales de SWIM-SM en matière de  réutilisation des eaux usées en tant que question clé dans la thématique des eaux non-conventionnelles.

- Discuter des priorités régionales de SWIM-SM en matière de dessalement, en se focalisant sur la possibilité de former un Groupe Expert sur le Dessalement Durable au sein de SWIM-SM.

Pour plus d'informations:


Présentations et documents

Rapport de l’activité 

The workshop was successfully organized on 10-13 July 2012 and it involved 16 participants from relevant Ministries, agencies and other stakeholders from Israel, Jordan and Palestine.

It introduced participants to:

· the state-of-the-art of wastewater reuse schemes, including innovative and adaptable treatment technologies, risk management and effluent standards for various reuse purposes.

·technologies for artificial recharge with treated wastewater, and their role in wastewater reuse schemes.

·the state of the art in desalination processes and their economic, energy and environmental impacts.

For more information:


Presentations and Materials



This 3-day regional training for Water Users Associations (WUAs) representatives from the Partner Countries (PCs) was conducted by SWIM-SM in coordination with H2020 CB/MEP. Part of the training was provided by representatives from the PCs advanced in WUAs operationalization 

The training took place following two activities undertaken by SWIM-SM under the ‘water governance’ Pillar and specifically:

(a) a regional assessment on the status of water users’ participation in the project countries illustrating the range of experiences in irrigation water users’ participation, achieved progress and lessons learnt, challenges and constraints in WUAs establishment and operationalization in the region and recommending measures to improve the efficiency of WUAs and

(b) a regional workshop to promote the exchange of experiences and best practices among the countries of the region, present and validate the findings of the regional assessment with national stakeholders, and identify collectively priority actions including capacity building and training that could be undertaken in the framework of SWIM-SM.

For more information:

Information Note and Agenda

Presentations and Materials


SWIM-SM has successfully carried out a training workshop directed to develop the capacity of Partner Countries in the mobilization of resources for depollution infrastructure, through International Financial Institutions (IFIs) and partnerships with the private sector.

The workshop also aimed at promoting:

·         Exchange of experience between countries through discussions and case studies

·         Dialogue on resource mobilization and investments between the public sector, the private sector and represented organizations and projects.

This activity has been organised in collaboration with the Mediterranean Hot Spot Investment Programme (MeHSIP) Project Preparation and Implementation Facility (PPIF), another project also funded by the European Union, and will took place at the premises of the European Investment Bank (EIB).

For more information:

Information Note and Agenda

Presentations and materials


Press Note


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