How to achieve a better compliance with water laws in the South Mediterranean countries was at the focus of a 2 days policy dialogue in Athens, Greece on 14th and 15th of October 2014.

The activity brought together 31 experts and NGOs from 7 South Mediterranean countries, who reviewed the current enforcement issues and gaps their countries experience, deliberated possible policy options, identified measures to improve conformity including capacity needs, and suggested guidelines for countries of the region towards better application of rule of law in the water sector.

Insufficient policies, inadequate legislative and regulatory frameworks, ill prepared judiciary systems, limited technical and institutional capacities and lack of appropriate modalities and operating systems were among the main constraints for compliance and enforcement identified in the Region.

Participants praised the meeting for its structure and high level presentations, its dynamic discussions and very vibrant participation. Facilitation and interventions by the experts were commended and lessons learnt were deemed useful.

SWIM-SM activities touching upon legislation include the following:

·         Regional Review of National Water Plans and/or Strategies (2012)

·         Regional Expert Group Meeting (June 2012, Athens) to review, discuss, complement and validate the findings of the regional review

·         Regional Capacity Building Workshop (September 2012, Athens) for training of Government Officials on the Preparation of Water Plans/Strategies

·         A Capacity development program for water & environment prosecutors and Investigators, including a 3-day Workshop followed by a 12-days study tour in 3 European countries (June 2013)

·         Regional Guidelines on measures for improving compliance with water legislations and assessing the available enforcement capacity and mechanisms currently practiced in the South Mediterranean Region with focus on Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon and Morocco

The meeting documents and materials can be downloaded following this link


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