For additional information click on the titles of each activity

Activity’s title

Date, Place


Study tour on wastewater management using natural treatment systems in rural areas

27-30 July 2015, Sicily - Italy Wastewater / non-conventional water resources

Training in evaluating and structuring public-private-partnerships in the water sector

8-10 June 2015, Dead Sea - Jordan Private Sector Participation 

SWIM-SM Fourth Steering Committee Meeting and Fourth SWIM-Demos Coordination Meeting

15-16 December 2014, Barcelona - Spain All
Regional Workshop on the M&E system to monitor and evaluate the Participatory Irrigation Management (PIM) and Irrigation Management Transfer (IMT)Process in the SWIM-SM Countries 17-18 November 2014, Athens - Greece Water Users Associations / Local Water Governance
Training workshop on risk and insurance in PPPs for water infrastructure 30-31 October 2014, Athens - Greece Private Sector Participation 
High level policy dialogue on enforcement of water laws in SWIM-SM countries 14-15 October 2014, Athens - Greece Enforcement of water legislations

Evaluation workshop of the pilot implementation for the M&E system to monitor and evaluate the participatory irrigation management (PIM) and irrigation management transfer (IMT) process

15-16 September, Amman - Jordan 

29-30 September, Tunis - Tunisia

Water Users Associations / Local Water Governance
Expert Group Meeting on Cumulative Environmental  Impacts of Desalination in the Mediterranean  23-24 June 2014, Brussels - Belgium Desalination / non-conventional water resources
Capacity building of SWIM Partner Countries in the assessment of the cost of water resources degradation at the basin level

16-18 June, Tunis - Tunisia (for participants from Maghreb countries)

23-25 June, Athens - Greece (for participants from Mashrek countries)

Cost of Environmental Degradation

Training of the users involved in the pilot implementation of the regional system for the monitoring and evaluation of the Participatory Irrigation Management / Irrigation Management Process (PIM/IMT) in Jordan

1-5 June 2014, Deir Alla - Jordan Water Users Associations / Local Water Governance
National Consultation Workshop on the Cost of the environmental degradation and remediation of the Litani River Basin in Lebanon  12 December 2013, Beirut - Lebanon Cost of Environmental Degradation

Kick-off meeting of the pilot implementation in Jordan of the Monitoring and Evaluation system for Participatory Irrigation Management and Irrigation Management Transfer (IMT) process

9 December 2013, Amman - Jordan Water Users Associations / Local Water Governance

National Consultation Workshop on the Cost of the environmental degradation and remediation of the Seybouse River Basin in Algeria 

26 November 2013, Algiers - Algeria Cost of Environmental Degradation

3rd Steering Committee Meeting of SWIM-SM and 3rd SWIM Coordination Meeting 

11-13 November 2013, Athens - Greece All

Training and study tour in Europe on the operation and management of Wastewater Treatment Plants 

9-20 September 2013, Spain and The Netherlands

Wastewater / non-conventional water resources
Regional experts group meeting on the development of a comprehensive Monitoring & Evaluation system for participatory irrigation management & irrigation management transfer process  2-4 September 2013, Athens-Greece Water Users Associations / Local Water Governance

Training workshop on Strengthening Public Sector Capacity to Mobilize Depollution Investments and Private Sector Participation

3-5 July 2013, Luxembourg

Private Sector Participation in Depollution investments

Training Course - Cost Estimating of Seawater Reverse Osmosis (SWRO) Desalination Plants

25-27 June 2013, Muscat – Oman

Desalination / non-conventional water resources

Training workshop and study tour for developing the capacity of prosecutors and investigators to enforce water & environment legislations

3-18 June 2013, The Netherlands, Spain and France

Enforcement of water and environmental legislations

High level study tour on participatory irrigation management/irrigation management transfer process

13–17 May 2013, Izmir Region –Turkey

Water Users Associations / Local Water Governance

National consultations on the review and analysis of the status of implementation of Wastewater Strategies and/or Action Plans in Tunisia, Morocco and Egypt

respectively on 5, 7 and 11 of March 2013

Wastewater / non-conventional water resources

Consultation workshops on the cost of the environmental degradation and remediation of Oum Er-Rbia (Morocco) and Mejerda River Basins (Tunisia)

4 and 7 December 2012

Cost of Environmental Degradation

Sub-regional workshop on the interlinkages between Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) and Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM)

30 October - 1 November 2012, Algeria 


The 2nd SWIM Steering Committee and Coordination Meetings

16-18 October 2012, Brussels - Belgium


Regional training workshop on the identification and development of climate change no-regret actions in the water sector

3-5 October 2012, Amman – Jordan


Adaptation of the water sector to climate change through no-regret actions

Training of Government Officials on the Preparation of Water Plans/Strategies

10-11 September 2012, Athens, Greece


Water Plans and Strategies

Regional Training Workshop on Water Users’ Associations: Basic operational concepts and practices for WUAs establishment and institutional support

17 – 19 July 2012, Bari – Italy

Water Users Associations / Local Water Governance

Sub-regional training course on Innovative and adaptable technologies for treated wastewater re-use, including the recharge of aquifers and desalination 10 - 13 July 2012, Israel Wastewater re-use, aquifers recharge and desalination / non-conventional water resources

Regional Workshop on Planning of Water Resources in SWIM-SM Countries

13-14 June 2012, Athens - Greece

Water Plans and Strategies

First Core Desalination Group Meeting

11-12 June 2012 Athens – Greece

Desalination / non-conventional water resources

SWIM Media Information Workshops

May - June 2012


SWIM-SM Regional Expert Group Workshop on Water Users Associations

23-24 April 2012, Athens -Greece

Water Users Associations / Local Water Governance

Sub-regional training course on Innovative and adaptable technologies for treated waste water re-use, including the re-charge of aquifers and desalination

10-13 April 2012, Tunis, Tunisia

Wastewater re-use, aquifers recharge and desalination / non-conventional water resources

Regional training course on Public Private Partnership (PPP) in Water infrastructure

19-21 December 2011, Amman - Jordan

Public Private Partnership in water infrastructure

Launching Workshop of SWIM and 1st Steering Committee Meeting of SWIM-SM

7-8 December 2011, Brussels – Belgium


Workshop on Sustainable Use of Non-Conventional Water Resources (16 September 2011, Athens - Greece)

16 September 2011, Athens - Greece

Non-conventional water resources

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