Operators and engineers from the South Mediterranean countries involved in wastewater treatment (WWT) and other stakeholders have been introduced, trained and exposed to natural treatment systems (NTS) that are being operated in a European region (Sicily-Italy) presenting hydrological and environmental conditions similar to those of these countries. The activity showed that NTSs are a technically and economically viable option for WWT especially in rural areas.

To download the materials of the study tour click here

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18 representatives of the public water sector, the private insurance sector and NGOs from 7 countries (Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Lebanon, Morocco, Tunisia, Palestine, Jordan) have been recently trained in risk and insurance for Public Private Partnerships (PPP) in water infrastructure, in the framework of an activity organised by SWIM-SM on 30-31 October 2014 in Athens, Greece.

To download the materials of the training click here

To read the press note click here

The new film produced to narrate the current achievements of the SWIM program is now available online in English.

To view the movie click here

Twenty-nine representatives from relevant institutions, the private sector (investors/operators) and NGOs from Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine and Tunisia, participated in a Training on Evaluating and Structuring Public-Private-Partnerships (PPPs) in the water sector on 8-10 June 2015 in the Dead Sea, Jordan.

The training aimed at developing the capacity of water and financing officials in addition to other participants on how the public sector can assess opportunities for PPPs in the water sector, taking into account all parameters to structure the PPP transactions, from financial sustainability and bankability to legal clauses, performance monitoring, guarantees, insurance, staffing, reporting etc.

To download the materials click here

To download the press note click here

Consolidation and institutionalisation of a system set up to enhance participatory irrigation management in the south mediterranean countries were among the main recommendations of a recent SWIM-SM regional conference organized by the project on 17 & 18 November 2014 in Athens, Greece.

To download the materials click here

To read the press note click here


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