The trainings introduced the refined version of the MONEVA system created by SWIM-SM to the national, regional and local partners involved in the pilot implementation of the Monitoring and Evaluation (M & E) system, and trained the various types of users on the procedures that have been recently developed to anchor the use of the system in the pilot countries (Jordan and Tunisia, respectively 31 and 24 stakeholders from relevant bodies).

The main purpose of these procedures is to:
• assist the staff of the regional offices and Water Users Associations (WUAs) to collect/enter and process the information required by the MONEVA monitoring and evaluation system in a standard manner and
• facilitate the comparison among the indicators of different WUAs since they are calculated using the same standards.

Two documents, respectively on “Procedures and Data Collection Forms at the local level” and at the Regional level were distributed and explained to all participants. These two documents describe the main characteristics of the recommended business processes and explain to the users (at their respective levels, regional or local) how the data will be collected (methodology), what data to be collected, by whom and when. They also elucidate other descriptive aspects of the process including the purpose of collecting the specific data, the relevance of the data collected to the M&E system, and its relationship with other related variables and indicators. The documents also offer standard data collection/entry and processing forms, with examples of how to fill, enter and process these data, in case that the WUA has no computer facilities .

The adoption of the procedures should take place at the different levels. The various tasks and responsibilities to be undertaken were summarized and recommendations were made for assigning responsibilities to the relevant staff according to the category/type of business process (Technical, financial and administrative, human resources, water productivity, environment, etc.)

The way ahead during the rest of the year was also presented, and an Action Plan for the next 4 months was prepared by the SWIM project and distributed to all parties involved.
The regional system to monitor and evaluate the Participatory Irrigation Management (PIM) and the Irrigation Management Transfer (IMT) process was developed by SWIM-SM in 2013.

After its conversion to a computer application (MONEVA) in 2014 the system was then pilot tested in Jordan and Tunisia at national, regional (North Directorate and Karameh Directorate in Jordan and the CRDA of Kairouan, Sousse and Monastir) and local levels (WUAs), including trainings of relevant stakeholders.
During 2015 the MONEVA system was refined and its user-friendliness enhanced based on the results of evaluation workshop conducted in September 2014 in the two pilot countries. In addition, SWIM-SM has developed procedures for data collection / entry and processing forms in order to enable the institutionalization of the system in the two pilot countries.

These procedures are being tested at the regional level in Karameh (now called South Shuneh) Directorate, Jordan, including all the WUAs within this directorate and in five Agricultural Development Groups (Groupement de Développement Agricole - GDA) within the Regional Agricultural Development Commission of Sousse, Tunisia (Commissariat Régional au Développement Agricole).

Since MONEVA is applicable only to medium and large sizes WUAs, only those serving more than 100 hectares are considered.
To Read the Information Note related to the training in Jordan click here
To Read the Information Note related to the training in Tunisia click here

An online course provided to 13 pertinent actors from Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon and Palestine a systematic understanding of process design procedures for low-cost natural wastewater treatment systems which can be applicable to South Mediterranean countries, including waste stabilization ponds, anaerobic systems, soil aquifer treatment and constructed wetlands.
The online course was delivered through a Virtual Learning Environment, \"eCampus\" and was taught over a period of 3 months (12 weeks). It required participants to spend about 8 hours per week on average through reading, discussion and assignments consisted of video-recorded lectures, PowerPoint presentations with voice-over, lecture handouts for participant\'s self study and assignments.
A discussion forum also enabled participants to communicate online with each other and with the course coordinator.
The activity was implemented in collaboration with UNESCO-IHE.
To download the materials of the course click here

A one-day training workshop followed by a three-days study tour in Sicily – Italy (27-30 July 2015), involved 22 representatives of pertinent National institutions and NGOs from Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine and Tunisia.
They were introduced to a wide array of themes related to the design, construction, operation and management of NTS, both at theoretical and practical levels through lectures and visits to different natural Waste Water Treatment Plants (WWTPs). This has helped the participants refresh their theoretical knowledge and fine- tune it with hands-on experience, while the participants with less experience learned new material. The visit to natural treatment systems (NTSs) provided the participants a firsthand view of a wide variety of natural technologies, mainly suitable for rural areas.
As a capacity development tool, the workshop and study tour were highly appreciated because participants could see how NTSs are operated and managed and exchanged knowledge with operators with a long-term experience in a region (Sicily) with environmental and climatic conditions very similar to those of participants’ regions.
The activity was organized in collaboration with the University of Catania, Italy.

To download the materials and documents click here

SWIM-All Across the Jordan

الأنشطة المنفذة
• ورشة عمل وطنية لتقديم الخطة الوطنية الفلسطينية (28 أبريل). حضر ورشة العمل أكثر من 100 مشارك مثلوا الوزارات المعنية، وسلطة المياه والبلديات والمجالس المحلية، والعديد من الجهات المعنية الأخرى. وقد تم تنظيم ورشة العمل تحت رعاية سعادة رئيس سلطة المياه الفلسطينية مازن غنيم وبحضور محافظي أريحا وطوباس بهدف استعراض ومناقشة الخطة الرئيسية الفلسطينية الوطنية التي وضعها المشروع.
• المؤتمر الإقليمي حول "التخطيط لمستقبلنا المشترك: إطلاق الخطة الإقليمية الرئيسية للمنظمات غير الحكومية للتنمية المستدامة في وادي الأردن" (9-10 يونيو 2015، البحر الميت - الأردن). خلال هذا المؤتمر الذي نظم تحت رعاية معالي الدكتور حازم الناصر وزير المياه الأردني قدم المشروع الخطة الرئيسية الإقليمية المتكاملة للمنظمات غير الحكومية للتنمية المستدامة في وادي الأردن. وقد شهد المؤتمر اختتام المشروع، وجمع عددا كبيرا من المسئولين الحكوميين رفيعي المستوى من الأردن وفلسطين وإسرائيل والممثلين الدبلوماسيين الدوليين وممثلي الوكالة الدولية للتنمية، وخبراء الأحواض لمناقشة تطور البرنامج من التخطيط إلى التنفيذ . لقراءة المزيد عن المؤتمر وتحميل الخطة الرئيسية إضغط هنا


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